Catering Managers

Helping You Never Make a Meal of Catering Management 

Doesn’t it always seem that when booking details go wrong it’s always the catering team that has to work miracles to put them right?  Last minute changes in numbers, cancellations, rescheduling, special dietary requirements – the list is endless!  But worst of all is the breakdown in communication where "they" knew but "you" were never told!!

What you need is a single version of the truth; everybody singing from the same hymn-sheet - and that’s what CABS is.

With CABS, you and the rest of the organisation will have access to exactly the same data and information in real-time, all the time.  CABS holds up to date notes against every event, every function within every event, every catering requirement, and every room layout needed. It also holds copies of emails related to bookings – both sent and received – so that you can see what was actually said between your colleagues and your guests – significantly reducing the misunderstandings caused by ‘Chinese whispers’.

The benefits of CABS aren’t limited to improved communications, though. CABS includes the fully featured Catering Manager module, a touch-screen enabled service request and confirmation system, a mobile device app for requesting service and, if you run a dining room or restaurant, you’re sure to love the CABS Table Manager module. 

In UX+,  the "Extras' Monitor" updates in real time and changes since the last time it was acknowledged by catering are instantly recognisable.  Likewise, meeting organisers can see whether you have acknowledged the changes - communication is king! 

See Your Software Choices section of the website for more information; better still contact us to discuss your move to a better informed and more efficient future with CABS.